Welcome to a Positive Age

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Here is a basic category-link type setup. yes i was lazy as of to put thumb nails and yes, tables at rather to time consuming for I. Do whatever you want with these graphics, i will not be held responsible for ANYTHING.



- Collage - Just a quick thing done outta boredom

- Wallpaper - Something Connie whipped up

- Logo - Yess we have a logo..

- Cover - Unofficial...."album cover"



- Screenshot1 - The "F" word spelled out with dragoons

- Screenshot2 - The word "gay" spelled out with pylons

- Screenshot3 - The BIT of the word "bitch" (see next screen shot for other half)

- Screenshot4 - The CH of the word "bitch" spelled out with pylons (cont. of scnsht3)

- Screenshot5 - Nothing much here, just a flaming blue pylon field

- Screenshot6 - [H]ard|ocp sign spelled out with pylons

- Screenshot7 - Mushroom cloud (yes those are MY and my firends units...we were bored)

- Screenshot8 - Just another "After" result of the mushroom cloud

- Screenshot9 - All the blood and guts made by the nuke



- UltimateKB - All you need

- CompHumor - i think most of you can comprehend

- Bill Gates - Bill Gates, he dictator

- Assholes - Some CHP humor

- FF10 - Final Fantasy 10 logo

- Vanilla Ice - something my friend sent me, you might enjoy it

- Movie - From some movie....go ask andrew

- Nuns - I do not intend to offend anyone

- 7up - Gave me a laugh, but it might just be me.

- Shower - something off [H]